Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Giant Thank You!

I have to give my sister, Cheri, a giant THANK YOU!!! She has renewed my subscription for the next 6 months. And has upgraded it to the World version. is a wealth of information which I use in providing more details in our family tree. A family tree to me is more than just names and dates. I love the story of their lives, where they were living, what they were doing, etc. They also, most importantly verify that they are who you think they are. There are many people with the same name in the same city. It is up to the genealogist to verify all of the information. All of that comes from records. Those records also provides additional family members. Unfortunately, all of this research does not always come cheap. For example, each birth certificate and each death certificate I purchase costs $15. That may not sound like a lot but when you start adding up how many need to be purchased, it adds up quickly. I have been researching our tree for about 6 years now and with this blog I would like to share what I have found with you. I am not going to post the actual documents (for privacy sake) but if you are interested I will be happy to email them directly to you. So I have to say I am so grateful for Cheri chipping in and helping absorb some of the costs that I have incurred along the road to find our roots. I hope you enjoy what I have put together and remember it is in no particular order. You can find what you are looking for by name and feel free to subscribe and you will be notified when I update it with a new post.

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